Chris O’Mahoney President

The president, Chris, has provided leadership and direction to the organization. Key responsibilities include strategic planning and training, overseeing operations, representing the organization to external stakeholders, and ensuring the proper guidance under the associations by laws. Chris has played a crucial role in decision-making, governance, and ensuring the SDCLOA's mission and goals are achieved.

Jason Godfrey Vice President

The vice president, Jason, has been involved in supporting the president and the overall mission of the association. He has often assisted in leadership responsibilities, including strategic planning, overseeing specific initiatives, and representing the association when necessary. In his role he has continued to provide collaboration with other association leaders, active participation in decision-making processes, and engagement with members to address their needs.

Don Clay Secretary

The secretary, Don, has been responsible for maintaining accurate records of the organization's meetings and activities. In his role he continues to document minutes during board meetings, keeping track of official correspondence, and managing organizational records. Don often plays a key role in maintaining transparency by ensuring that meeting minutes are accessible to all members. Additionally, he may handle administrative tasks such as managing communication, organizing agendas, and handling official documentation.

Jon Cima Treasurer

The treasurer, Jon, is responsible for overseeing the organization's financial matters. In his long standing role he manages the associations’ budgets, monitoring financial transactions, and providing regular reports to the board and members. He continues to work closely with other leaders to ensure financial stability, develop financial policies, and make recommendations for sound financial practices. Jon has played a crucial role in maintaining the financial health and transparency of the organization.

Bob Duggan Assignor

Our chosen assignor, Bob, is responsible for scheduling and assigning officials for lacrosse games. His role involves coordinating with sports leagues, teams, and officials to ensure that qualified and available referees or umpires are assigned to officiate specific games. He continues to have a thorough understanding of the skill levels and experience of the officials in our association, as well as knowledge of the requirements and dynamics of the games being scheduled. Effective communication, organization, and attention to detail are crucial for successful game assignment and scheduling logistics. In his long standing role, Bob, has created fair and balanced officiating assignments for smooth and well-managed lacrosse season(s).

Curtis Fillmore Member at Large

The Member at Large is a position filled by Curtis, who doesn't hold a specific executive title or oversee a particular area but has served in a variety of responsibilities, including strategic planning, and overseeing specific initiatives such as the website overhaul. In his role he has often involved participating in meetings, providing input on various matters, and contributing to the overall decision-making process. Curtis has represented the broader membership and brought diverse perspectives to the organization.

Curtis Fillmore Training Chair

Trainer Chair, Curtis, has been solely responsible for overseeing and coordinating training programs within the association. His role has involved designing, implementing, and managing training initiatives to enhance the skills and knowledge of members. Curtis collaborated with other leaders/members to identify training needs, develop relevant content, and organize clinics or sessions. Curtis has continued to play a key role in promoting continuous learning and development within the organization.